Beltane (Open Ritual)
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
Yule (Open Ritual)
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
Samhain (Open Ritual
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
Autumn Equinox (Open Ritual)
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
Lammas (Open Ritual)
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
Midsummmer (Open Ritual)
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
Spring Equinox (Open Ritual)
English-Language Event (englischsprachige Veranstaltung) :
Pre-Book via MeetUp to save! https://www.meetup.com/the-wiccan-fellowship/events/
In Wicca and other Neo-Pagan traditions the "Wheel of the Year" is central. Eight yearly festivals that echo the seasonal rites of our ancestors.
Join us for this season's festival, held (unless otherwise noted) in the Wiccan style:
Detailed information on this festival can be found on our MeetUp page:
10.12.2024, 19:30 - 19:45
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 6, 1040 Wien, Österreich
Tanzbare Folk Musik bzw. je nach Teilnehmer variabel gestaltbar, könnt' auch
eigene Wünsche oder Melodien mitbringen.
Leitung: Wolfgang
Im Tympanum
Prinz-Eugen-Straße 6
1040 Wien
Letzte Aktion: 06.02.2025, 16:11
Aufrufe: 14251
Follower: 0